I think we can all agree there’s nothing quite like being able to kick off your sandals and dip your toes in the pool after a long day. Or how about enjoying a few drinks with friends by the pool under a tropical sunset? Well, what better place to do it than in Hawaii! 

With great seasonal temperatures, pools are a fabulous, “must have” home feature and a year-round staple in Hawaii. However, their maintenance is critical to make sure you get the most use out of your pool to stay relaxed and refreshed! Here are some tips to keep your Hawaiian pool in tip-top shape.


Routine filter maintenance (no matter the type of filter) is a substantial part of keeping your pool happy and healthy. The filter's job is to act like a strainer to make sure the water stays rid of all the dirt and debris. By keeping your filter clean and regulated, your water clarity and overall pool health will benefit greatly. 

If you have pets, children or more people swimming in the water than usual, it’s always a good idea to check the filter and give it extra cleaning afterwards. Your pool might have one of three types of filters, and depending on the type it might require more maintenance steps.

  • Sand Filters - The easiest to maintain and typically the cheapest, however they are the least effective when it comes to filtering away particles of all sizes.

  • Cartridge Filters - No backwashing, which makes them a more environmentally friendly option, however they require more frequent cleaning and are a bit more maintenance.

  • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters - The most effective type of filter due to their ability to remove the smallest particles in the water and also the most costly. The filters can be pricey and also require the most time and energy to maintain.


Nothing is less inviting than a green pool. Unfortunately, algae growth is a common pool problem and can be a pain to continuously clean. 

Maintaining your chlorine levels in the pool will limit algae and bacteria growth. Algae growth is much more common in warmer climates, so it is vital to check your chlorine levels regularly to make sure there is enough in the water.But don’t add too much because it can irritate skin and eyes!

Another great way to prevent algae growth is to make sure you clean your pool tiles. Even if you can’t see it, your tiles might be dirtier than you think. Brushing your pool at least once a week will help with any growth that might happen. Check out a few more tricks  for preventing a green pool in your home! 


If you’re a homeowner on the coast you might not need a heater in your pool thanks to the warm Hawaiian sun. If you find yourself living at a higher elevation like Kohala Ranch, a heater might be necessary to allow you to swim year round.  Heating your pool can be quite the expense on your energy bills. A great option to cut costs on your monthly utility bills is using solar panels to heat your pool. In fact, homeowners in the state of Hawaii actually are paid to install solar panels! Talk about fun in the sun, as if Hawaii wasn’t already the best place to live.

If you’re thinking about installing solar panels to heat your pool there are a few things to take into consideration.

  • Solar installation typically takes one week to install 

  • Solar panels can affect the “look” of your oasis

  • Placement is crucial due to needing the sun's rays to produce energy

  • Average solar panel pool install price is $3,000-$8,000


If you’re worried about maintaining your pool yourself, fear not because there are several places on the island that will service your pool for you. Most pool homeowners have limited issues as long as you do seasonal upkeep on your pool. Preventative maintenance is the key to getting the most life out of your pool!

Are you ready to take a dip in your luxurious Hawaiian backyard pool and enjoy the clear blue waters? Contact me today to find your perfect home.

Aloha, and welcome to Hawaii.